How to Hot Cut Nylon Webbing at Home


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You can quickly hot cut nylon webbing at home to seal it as you slice. Strong nylon webbing can be cut to size and used in a variety of home and fashion projects. Cutting the nylon webbing fibers without heat sealing will result in fuzzy, frayed ends. Commercial hot knives used in industrial webbing cutting operations are expensive and large. Hot cut nylon webbing to the sizes you need for your project with a couple basic items you may already have around the house.

Measure the length of nylon webbing you need to hot cut and mark a straight line with a permanent marker. Measure a second time once you have made your mark to make sure everything is lined up correctly.

Put on a pair of heat-resistant thick cloth or leather gloves and hold a pair of high-carbon stainless steel sheers by the handle in the closed position.

Heat the cutting edge on both sides of the scissors nearest to the tips with the flame from a butane torch lighter. It is only necessary to heat a section of the scissors slightly wider than the width of the webbing.

Cut through the nylon webbing with the hot scissors in one smooth motion that follows the permanent marker guideline.

Wipe the blades of the hot scissors with a wet sponge to remove any pieces of stuck melted-nylon webbing.

Check the cut edge of the nylon webbing to make sure it has heat sealed all the way across. Use the butane torch lighter to precision melt any areas that did not melt closed.