White Wine Spritzer Recipe

Grab a bottle of white wine, some club soda, and a citrus fruit, and you'll be relaxing with a refreshing wine spritzer in just a minute or two!

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Image Credit: Jennifer Farley/SavorySimple.net

When the weather is hot, no cocktail is more refreshing than a wine spritzer. Made with fruity white wine and club soda, it's both a simple option for guests at a party and an easy single drink for one after a long day. While this wine spritzer recipe yields one beverage, it's very simple to scale up. Ready in mere minutes, enjoying a delicious cocktail doesn't get any easier than this!


Things You'll Need

  • 3 oz. fruity white wine, chilled

  • 1 oz. club soda, chilled

  • 1 fresh citrus wedge

  • Ice

  • 1 or 2 leaves fresh mint (optional)

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Image Credit: Jennifer Farley/SavorySimple.net

1. Gather the ingredients

There's no need to get fancy with this simple spring/summer drink. Any fruity wine with citrus notes will work. You might like to try something sweet but not cloying. A New Zealand sauvignon blanc or a riesling is a safe bet.

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You can choose any type of citrus fruit for this recipe, such as a lemon, lime, or orange. Read the label on your wine bottle to see if the wine you're using has specific citrus notes, or give it a taste and see what you detect.

Image Credit: Jennifer Farley/SavorySimple.net

2. Combine the ingredients

In a large glass, combine the wine, club soda, ice, and citrus along with 1 to 2 leaves of fresh mint if desired. Serve immediately.


Image Credit: Jennifer Farley/SavorySimple.net


To scale up this recipe, use the ratio of 3 parts wine to 1 part club soda and combine the ingredients in a large pitcher filled with ice.

Image Credit: Jennifer Farley/SavorySimple.net

If you enjoy spritzers, you'll love our recipe for this citrus spritz cocktail with flower ice cubes!
