How to Make a Toilet Paper Wedding Dress

side view of a bride and groom holding each other at the entrance to the church

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The toilet paper wedding dress contest is a popular game played at bridal showers and bachelorette parties. It requires contestants to divide into design teams, each selecting a "bride" to model the dress they create. The team members then work to design and dress the model in an outrageous gown made solely out of toilet paper. Rules may vary, but generally the only other materials allowed to create the gown are tape, glue or staples. The contest ends in a fashion show where the toilet paper wedding dress winner is selected by the actual bride-to-be.

Create a Basic Dress

Make a plan for how you want your gown to look. Copy the bride’s gown, your own gown or even a dress you have at home if you think the style would work. Consider what undergarments need to be worn and which areas of the body will be covered. Take inventory of your materials and determine if you have what you need to pull off your idea. Move forward with creating a basic gown while keeping your final plan in mind.

Craft a tight, sturdy bodice around the model to cover from her waist to chest. Tape toilet paper to the side of the model’s waist and then slowly wrap upward. Unroll the toilet paper and let strands evenly overlap as your model gently turns. Think of the bodice as a corset to provide shape and support. Wrap the bodice as tightly as possible but not so much that it could cause a break in the toilet paper. Secure the end of the toilet paper by tucking it into the top of the bodice under one of the model’s arms or by using the tape, glue or staples provided.

Cover the waist to thigh area with a tight skirt using the same wrapping technique that you used on the bodice. Start by taping a fresh piece of toilet paper at the waist -- just below the bodice -- and wrap down from there. It is important to create a sturdy skirt waist so that you may later tuck more pieces of toilet paper into it. Depending on the final gown you want to create, you might choose to wrap the toilet paper the length of a mini skirt or a knee-length pencil skirt.

Embellish the Dress to Create a Bridal Gown

Create a long, flowing bridal gown by tucking individual strands of toilet paper into the waist of the skirt. Measure the strands to reach the floor in the front, and in the back make them gradually longer so they can flow a few feet behind the model, creating a bridal train. The more paper you use, the fuller effect you can create. Bunch up fluffy wads of paper to create areas of fullness under the flowing outer pieces. Fine tune the look of the train by trimming the lengths of each paper strand to create a rounded shape. Experiment with texturing the flowing pieces by crumpling, fluffing, tearing or weaving them into different styles.

Add interest to the top of the dress by crafting sleeves or other variations to the neckline of the bodice. Use small drapes of toilet paper tucked into the bodice top to make flowing sleeves, or create a halter top by wrapping toilet paper around the model's neck and connecting it back into the bodice. Experiment with different ways to work with the toilet paper by crumpling it up, braiding it in strands, rolling it into rope or otherwise altering its traditional flat appearance.

Add a toilet paper veil to your toilet paper gown. Gather any hair pieces you may have available such as headbands or hair clips. Attach flowing toilet paper pieces to create a veil to match your gown. Experiment with knotting or weaving the strands of the veil, shredding them into smaller pieces or taping them into a solid sheet.