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How to Clean Galvanized Steel Pipe

Joe Christos

Galvanized steel pipes are used typically in plumbing applications where the metal is exposed constantly to moisture. To galvanize a steel pipe is to treat it with a special zinc-oxide coating to prevent oxidation and limit the damage to the pipe created by other corrosive elements.

Galvanized metal pipes

Cleaning galvanized pipe will extend the life of the zinc-oxide coating.

  1. Mix in a bucket 1 gallon of hot water, 1/4 cup dish soap and 1 cup vinegar.

  2. Dip a soft brush in the soap solution and scrub the pipe using small circular rotations.

  3. Rinse the pipe off with warm water and then wipe dry.

  4. Use a lint-free rag to apply metal polish with small circular rotations.

  5. Allow the metal polish to dry and then wipe clean.

The Drip Cap

  • Galvanized steel pipes are used typically in plumbing applications where the metal is exposed constantly to moisture.
  • Dip a soft brush in the soap solution and scrub the pipe using small circular rotations.