How to Remove Perianal Hair

Perianal hair is hair located immediately around the anus. While having perianal hair might cause you embarrassment, this hair occurs naturally and is not cause for concern. The process of removing perianal hair is more complicated than removing hair from your legs or underarms because the area is difficult to see and the skin around the anal opening is often sensitive and easily irritated.

Wash the perianal area gently with mild soap and warm water. Rinse the soap away and dry the area by gently patting it with a clean towel.

Place a mirror on your floor and squat over the mirror so you can see your perianal hair.

Trim your perianal hair with scissors if it is more than 1/2-inch long.

Stretch the skin taunt at one side of the anus with one hand and spread a no-heat wax onto the perianal skin with a flat, wooden stick. Use no-heat wax to avoid burning your skin and read the label to make sure that the wax is safe for the bikini area.

Immediately press a cloth strip onto the wax and rub back and forth to firmly attach the strip to the wax and your perianal hair. Continue to hold the skin taunt with your other hand.

Grasp one end of the cloth strip and yank it towards the opposite end of the strip. Keep your hand as close to the cloth strip as possible while you yank it to avoid pulling the strip out and away from your body, which will result in pain but may not remove hair.

Repeat the process on the other side of the anus. Continue to apply the wax and remove hair as necessary, but try not to apply wax to the same skin more than twice. Repeated waxing could cause severe irritation.

Soak a cotton ball in baby oil and gently wipe away any wax remaining on your skin. If the no-heat wax you purchased included a wax removal liquid, use that instead of the baby oil.

Soak a washcloth in cold water and gently dab at the perianal area to remove the baby oil. Do not rub the area or use any type of soap because it could cause irritation and pain.

Apply a thin layer of after-waxing gel or cream to the freshly waxed skin. This cream may be included with your wax. If you need to purchase an after-waxing gel, read the label to ensure that it is safe for sensitive areas.