How to Get Rid of Blood Odor

Bin of cleaning supplies

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Households can have many different odors, from body odor, to cleaning product odors, to animal odors. Oftentimes, blood is one of these odors, from animals having babies, to people that bleed a lot for one reason or another. Blood can give the house a sickening rusty smell that churns the stomach. First thing’s first: remove all blood stains you can find and throw out any garbage cans that may be housing blood. Keep your house sanitary and clean. You can be creative when using things to get rid of your odors.

Place coffee grinds in three small glass bowls. Place fake flower blossoms on top of them and use them as coffee table ornaments.

Put some water and a strong but pleasant essential oil in one or more small glass bowls. Put daisy blossoms or petals, or rose petals on top of the water. Set the bowls on a mantle or shelf.

Mix cat litter with glitter or small decorative stones and pour the mixture into a vase and set some fake flowers on top of them.