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How to Remove Calcium Deposits From a Marble Shower

Mel Frank

Calcium deposits often form on marble showers when hard water is present in the home. This can quickly dull the appearance of the marble, requiring you to find a product that will clean the calcium deposits without harming the marble finish.

Commercial products are on the market that will take care of this problem; however, they may cost more than you are willing to pay. Making a homemade solution is the perfect alternative.

  1. Pour three parts water and one part vinegar into a spray bottle.White vinegar will disinfect and break apart the calcium deposits without harming the marble surface.

  2. Add a tbsp. of liquid dish detergent to the solution; this will also help cut through the calcium and leave behind a streak-free shine.

  3. Twist the cap onto the bottle, and shake gently to combine all ingredients.

  4. Spray the solution directly onto the areas affected by the deposits, and scrub with a sponge. Repeat as needed until all signs of the calcium deposits are gone.

  5. Use the spray weekly as a maintenance treatment, which will keep the shower clean and free of calcium.

The Drip Cap

  • Calcium deposits often form on marble showers when hard water is present in the home.
  • White vinegar will disinfect and break apart the calcium deposits without harming the marble surface.
  • Twist the cap onto the bottle, and shake gently to combine all ingredients.