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What Paint Color for Walls to Match a Black Granite Floor?

Angela Brady

When choosing a paint color, it helps if there's something in the room you can plan a color scheme around. With black granite floors, choose colors that will work with the black to create the mood you're looking for.

High Contrast

Using very light or bright colors will create a sharp contrast and make the floor a primary decor element. Gleaming white walls have long been used with black floors to open the space and reflect light. If white is too stark, consider bright yellow or red for a more casual look.

Regal Harmony

Pairing black floors with deep, jewel-tone walls will lend an elegant sense of mystery and luxury to the room. Mix and match deep eggplant, ruby and emerald to enhance a dramatic element like a high ceiling. Dark colors can make spaces look smaller, so avoid them in already small rooms.

  1. Use earth tones to bring nature inside. Granite is a natural substance, so use colors inspired by things you see outside. Forest green, maple red, charcoal gray and saffron gold will work with the granite floor to create an inviting, comforting atmosphere.