About eHow

Tackle Life... Creatively!
ehow is your friendly guide to all things DIY. Think of us like that creative friend who actually knows the difference between craft and fabric glue, and always has a hack up their sleeves. We're here to provide inspiration and solutions to make life easier and more fun. So let's get creating!
Colorful spools of yarn in purples, pinks and blues
A Quick Word About Our Editorial Process...
We take editorial standards and ethics seriously. Our stories are crafted by creators who are experts in their fields. (For real: We employ real-life chefs!) So when it comes to product picks, we choose items based on our editorial judgement...not because someone's paying us to.
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Award-Winning Social Media & Video
ehow's content has been recognized by the 2023 AVA Digital Awards (Platinum and Gold), the 2020 Webby Awards and the 2019 Webby Awards.

Meet Our Editors...

Get to Know Some of Our Contributors

From a former chef to a Cricut expert, ehow's writers and creators are some of the most talented (and most interesting!) people around.

Anna Buckley
Contributing Creator

Karen Cicero
Contributing Writer

Fred Decker
Contributing Writer

Adrienne Farr
Contributing Writer

Bianca Fernandez
Contributing Creator

Jonathan Fong
Contributing Creator

Beth Huntington
Contributing Creator

Ayanna Massey
Contributing Writer

Wanda Medina
Contributing Writer

Aleesha Nash
Contributing Writer

Kirsten Nunez
Contributing Creator

Damarys Ocaña Perez
Contributing Writer

Jessie Quinn
Contributing Creator

Hilary Ribons
Contributing Writer

Rachel Syens
Contributing Writer

Elba Valverde
Contributing Creator

Kathryn Walsh
Contributing Writer

Two women making cupcakes with kids
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