How Long Should Bactroban Be Used To Treat Acne

When most people approach the treatment of acne, they look for methods that dry up pimples, soak up excess oil and otherwise eradicate blemishes. However, this isn't always the best course, as an underlying infection may be to blame. To kill a skin infection and subsequently eliminate acne, Bactroban can be used.

What is Bactroban?

Bactroban is an antibiotic topical preparation that contains 2 percent Mupirocin. It's produced by GlaxoSmithKline, and is available in cream and ointment versions. It works by cutting off the connection between a bacterial enzyme and proteins, making it impossible for bacteria to continue to spread. With the number of bacteria controlled, the infected area can heal, thus allowing the acne to heal.

How to Use Bactroban

Bactroban only needs to be applied twice a day to be effective. With clean fingers, apply the cream or ointment to your blemishes. Rub in completely. Do this morning and evening for optimum results. The pimples should start to form heads after a few days, which means the cream is pulling out the bacteria. Bactroban should only be applied to clean skin and should not be used if inflammation or irritations develops or worsens.

How Long to Apply Bactroban

Bactroban is a topical antibiotic. This means you should use it in a similar way that you would use an oral antibiotic, in that it should be applied religiously until the infection is gone. Even if your acne looks as if it's getting better, do not discontinue use. This will merely make your skin resistant to the antibiotic, meaning you can never use it again. Continue using the cream or ointment until your blemishes have completely healed. This will ensure all the bacteria is gone and that the infection has been eliminated. However, do not apply Bactroban longer than is suggested by the packaging. Doing so can cause skin irritation and inflammation.