How to See Recently Used Apps on the iPhone (3 Steps)

By Laurel Storm

Skip the Home screen when switching between apps.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Your iPhone's multitasking capabilities make it possible for you to keep multiple applications open simultaneously, without having to wait for apps to launch again every time you switch to them. Going back to your Home screen every time, though, can be time-consuming and irritating, especially if you have a lot of apps installed. Instead, open the iPhone's multitasking bar to see a list of recently-used apps and quickly switch between them.

Step 1

Press the "Home" button twice in quick succession. This opens a separate bar along the bottom edge of your screen, showing the four apps you have used most recently. If you have an app open when you do this, that app will not be included in the list.

Step 2

Swipe to the right to see more apps. When you find the app you want, tap it to switch to it -- doing this automatically closes the bar. If you change your mind about switching to a different app or the app you want is not in the list, simply tap anywhere outside the bar to close it.

Step 3

Touch and hold any of the apps in the bar until the icons start jiggling and then tap the minus sign that appears on the upper left corner of each icon to remove that app from the list. Once you're done, press the "Home" button to return the bar to normal or tap anywhere outside of it to close it.
