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How to Get Rid of Leeches in a Pond

Si Kingston

You are less likely to take a dip in your pond if you're attacked by leeches every time you enter. You won't so much as put your hand in the pond, if leeches come along and suck your blood. If you remove them incorrectly from your skin, they can leave behind mouthparts, which can cause infection.

Leeches look better on a stick than on your skin.

There is no proven way to kill all leeches in a water system without destroying the ecosystem and other life within the water. But you can severely reduce the population of leeches in your pond.

  1. Poke several 1/8 to 1/4 inch holes in a coffee can lid with a knife or nail. Place 1/4 cup of raw meat such as chicken, beef or liver in the bottom of a the can. Cover the coffee can with the plastic lid.

  2. Submerge the can into your pond. Place a rock on top of the can to keep the can from falling over.

  3. Check the can two times a week and remove it when you find leeches trapped inside. Remove the leeches from the can and destroy or dispose of them.

  4. Remove rocks, sticks and other debris from the pond. Leeches prefer to hide under these types of objects; removing them will help reduce the leech population.

  5. Apply a bacteria to the pond to clear the bottom muck where leeches breed. Muck-clearing pellets utilize natural bacteria to reduce muck. Follow your products label, and throw the recommended amount of pellets for your size pond into the water. One product recommends 1/2 pound of pellets for each 500 square feet of pond surface. Leech numbers drop over time as the muck decreases.

  6. Tip

    Natural predators such as bass or bluegills will help to limit leech populations.