How to Address an Envelope to Ghana

envelope with effect image by Attila Toro from

Ghana is a diverse and vibrant nation located in western Africa. Mailing a letter, document or package to Ghana by regular first class, international mail generally takes two to three weeks to be reach its destination in Ghana. Many individuals and businesses in Ghana have postal boxes located at their local post office.

How to Address an Envelop to Ghana

Locate the Ghanian postal code. To properly address an envelope destined for Ghana, the sender must know the Ghanian postal code for the destination. The Ghanian postal code is comprised of two alphabetical characters. These characters represent the proper abbreviation for each region. All home and business addresses in Ghana have two character alphabetical postal codes associated with them. The formula for the Ghanian postal code is: (AA).

Locate the address format. Once you know the regional postal code for the address you want to send a piece of mail to, you can complete the address block for your letter or package. A complete address in Ghana includes a name, street address, city, town or village name, postal code and country. The recipient name should be an individual or business name. The street address should include numbers and street name. Then, the name of the city, town or village where the individual or business is located should be listed. Finally, the code and country with African region follow. The formula for a complete Ghanian address is:

Recipient Name Street Address City/Town/Village + (AA) Ghana, West Africa

Determine proper postage. After writing the complete address on the outside of your envelope or package in permanent ink pen, you should determine how much postage you need to send your piece of mail to Ghana. Postage is based on weight. If your piece of mail is an envelope containing a letter and weighs one ounce or less, it will cost about $1 to mail thorough the United State Postal Service. Rates go up from there and can be accessed on the United State Postal Service link provided below.