girl with curly hair image by Galina Barskaya from Fotolia.com

Fabric softener works great to get your clothes smelling great, de-wrinkled and incredibly soft. Some people know that fabric softener can help remove stubborn wallpaper from your home, remove hard water stains and even take the static shock out of carpets. What many people don't know is that it can be used in your hair. A little fabric softener can detangle your hard-to-manage hair, while leaving your hair conditioned and silky.

Pour 3 cups of warm water into a clean spray bottle.

Add 3 tbsp. liquid fabric softener. Replace the spray bottle's cap and shake the bottle to combine the water and the fabric softener.

Take a shower as normal, using a regular shampoo and conditioner. For best results, try using a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.

Towel dry your hair until it's damp. Spray the detangling spray into your hair (about eight to 10 spritzes for shoulder-length hair).

Comb your hair through with a wide-tooth comb. Dry your hair as usual.