close-up  Neem leaves and flowers

The neem plant is an evergreen tree found commonly in tropical and subtropical areas like India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. As one of the most revered medicinal plants in the world, it possesses healing properties for a variety of ailments.


The leaves, twigs, berries and blossoms of the neem tree can be used in making antiseptic toothpastes, mouthwashes and poultices. It has antibacterial agents that prevent tooth and gum disease.


In ancient practice, oil distilled from the leaves, berries and bark of the neem tree was used as a spermicidal lubricant to help prevent pregnancy.

Skin Treatment

When neem oil is applied as an astringent to boils, sores and scrapes, it helps in speeding up the healing process. Studies in Germany have shown that neem plant oil is effective in treating herpes and cold sore outbreaks.


Neem oil makes a great massage oil. When massaged into the muscles, it has antiseptic properties that help the body detox. People who suffer from conditions like fibromyalgia and other pain-related issues can experience relief when massaged with neem oil.

Bruise Control

Neem oil is also effective in treating bruises. When applied to the affected area, it promotes blood circulation to diminish the bruised coloration.


The neem plant is often used for its antifungal properties. It can be applied to athlete's foot, jock itch and other fungi that attack the body.


Neem oil is an effective scabies treatment that's gentler than prescription medications. When mixed with turmeric into a paste and applied to the skin and hair, it eliminates the scabies infestation with little to no risk of side effects.