In many offices, switching the decor each season is a way to keep the surroundings feeling fresh. Beyond changing decor for the seasons, decorating for specific holidays is a popular, fun way to boost employee morale. Decorations can be simple or ornate, specific or generic. Finding the right spring decorating ideas for offices depends on the workplace culture and geographic region.

Spring decorating ideas for offices are typically cheery and brightly colored. Pastel color palettes are popular, particularly with spring party decorations for offices. Popular imagery includes flowers, baby animals and references to the changing weather.

In some offices, spring decorations that specifically reference Easter or another holiday are perfectly acceptable. In others, they can be deemed insensitive to the team's diversity. Use discretion when choosing appropriate decor for your office.

Flowers and Succulents

Flowers and succulents are one of the most perpetually popular spring decorating ideas for offices. This is because they are one of the most common symbols of spring itself: new life springing upward from seeds.

One of the most popular DIY spring decorating ideas for offices is bringing in actual plants. While some companies choose to decorate with cut flowers in vases, others bring in rooted flowers and other plants. Watching these plants grow, bloom and thrive is watching spring in action. Succulents like jade and spiral aloe as well as vine plants like pothos are popular for offices because they are easy to care for.

Many offices choose to decorate with plants native to their region. Others, particularly those in regions with few native wildflowers, choose flowers based on how colorful and vibrant they are. Popular flowers for springtime decor include:

  • Cherry blossoms
  • Daffodils
  • Lilac
  • Daisies
  • Baby’s breath
  • Hyacinths
  • Tulips

Bunnies and Ducklings and Chicks

Images of baby animals are popular springtime symbols for the same reason flowers and plants are often used to symbolize the spring: They symbolize new life at the end of the cold winter. Images of bunnies and chicks are often used as spring party decorations for offices, but they can also be part of an office’s season-long springtime decor.

Baby animal figurines and posters can adorn office walls to make it feel like spring. Other ways to make animal imagery part of the office’s spring decor include:

  • Baby animal magnets on the office refrigerator
  • Throw pillows with pictures of animals on them
  • Animal-shaped planters for desktop plants

Other popular animals for springtime decorations include deer, birds, chipmunks and squirrels. Certain species of insects, like ladybugs, bumblebees, earthworms and butterflies can also remind employees of spring and make for fun, lively springtime decor.

Sunshine and Showers

“April showers bring May flowers” as the old saying goes, and an office can capture this transitional spirit by making images of the sun, rain clouds, rain boots and umbrellas part of its springtime decor. This imagery can stand on its own or be combined with other types of spring decor, like flowers and pictures of animals.

A few fun ways to work springtime weather into office decor include:

  • Using rain boots as planters for flowers
  • Hanging upside down umbrellas from the ceiling
  • Crafting paper lanterns that look like clouds and suspending them from the ceiling
  • Hanging long streamers or beads that mimic rain drops
  • Hanging paper lanterns crafted to look like the sun

DIY Spring Decorating Ideas

DIY decorations can be great spring party decorations for offices because making the decorations can be the office’s spring party. A few fun DIY spring decorating ideas that get everybody involved in sprucing up the office are:

  • Paper flowers
  • A desktop community herb garden
  • Paper butterflies
  • Painted mason jars
  • Flower arrangements
  • Personal succulent terrariums
  • Paper lanterns

DIY decor crafts do not have to be complicated to be fun and to beautify the office. Even simple, 15-minute crafts can engage and invigorate the team to welcome spring.