Because of heightened awareness of the need for fair hiring practices, human resources departments typically establish interview evaluation criteria prior to the organization's interviewing process. Preset criteria help to make certain that each candidate is evaluated on the same scale, especially when a hiring committee is used. Evaluation criteria should directly correlate with the requirements of the position, although some criteria are fairly universal.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are one of the most universally sought-after soft skill sets for employees. Thus, many interviewers evaluate the communication skills of interviewees as they answer questions and express ideas. Clarity, thought and articulation are among verbal communication traits you might examine. Additionally, in its "Selection Criteria and Interview Tips," the Job Interview & Career Guide site points out that you can learn a lot about a candidate by observing his body language and nonverbal messages.

Work History

A key aspect of a good interview is to see that the top candidate's work history and experiences align well with what is required of the job. In its "Criteria for Interview" for the trails field coordinator position, the state of Michigan notes that a candidate with the right background and experience learns more quickly and begins performing job duties sooner than someone unprepared. He is also more likely to work alone with success.

Technical Proficiency

Most jobs have some level of technical proficiency that is required for success. These are those specific skills that apply directly to the job and that not everyone possesses. Interviewers often ask questions to understand the experiences candidates have had in performing certain technical job functions or using the technology and tools required for the position. Interviewers look for specific examples of technical experience that apply to the job and would indicate a high potential for success.


No matter how technically sound a candidate is for a position, a bad attitude or one that would not make for a good fit is a major concern. The Job Interview & Career Guide highlights several considerations with regard to the employee's work attitude, including attitude toward teamwork, stress management, future plans and goals, willingness to learn, motivation and general approach to work and people. Finding someone with the right cultural fit is an important hiring consideration.