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How to Tell a Spouse About Getting Fired

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How to Tell a Spouse About Getting Fired. Getting fired from your job provoke anxiety and fear. You may wonder how you're going to pay your bills and whether you'll get another job quickly. Your spouse is most likely wondering the same thing. Breaking the news is hard, but there are ways you can soften the blow.

Stay calm. After getting fired from your job, you may be very angry and emotional, not to mention confused. However, if you go home acting very upset, it will only arouse the same emotion in your spouse.

Speak from the heart. You may have been working really hard and not known that you were getting fired. You may feel embarrassed. It's natural for a spouse to get a bit upset when he finds out you were fired, but if you let him in on your feelings (without being overly emotional), he's much more likely to understand.

Think up possible temporary solutions. Perhaps getting a job with a temp agency is a good way to make some money until you find something permanent. Share these ideas with your spouse to counterbalance the financial frustrations you face.

Explain the positive in the situation. If you have wanted to go back to school, now may be the time. If you wanted to switch careers, apply at jobs in the industry you desire. If you want to stay home with your child and find a job that you can do from your house, look for opportunities for those positions. Look at getting fired as a cause for a well needed change.

Consider using unemployment compensation until you find a new job. This is only a temporary solution, but it may calm your spouse if you suggest it.


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