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Facts About Clydesdale Horses

| Updated September 26, 2017

The Budweiser horses are the most prominent example of the Clydesdale breed. As draft horses, they have a powerful and muscular build and average 16.1 to 18 hands or 64.4 to 72 inches tall. Most Clydesdales are bay or brown, but they may also be gray, roan or black. To qualify as a Budweiser Clydesdale, the horse must have white stockings or legs and a white blaze on his face.

History of the Clydesdale

The breed originated in Clydesdale, Scotland, now called Lanarkshire, with a cross of local horses, Belgian draft horses and Fresians. They were used in coal mining to haul heavy loads. Their numbers decreased when machines replaced horses for heavy work. Their reemergence was owed in part to their use in the marketing campaigns of beer companies such as Budweiser.

Clydesdale Diet and Life Span

An average Clydesdale eats between 50 and 60 pounds of hay and 20 to 25 quarts of grain or feed each day. In addition, they drink 30 gallons of water.

Clydesdales can live into their 20s. Many die of heart or kidney failure due to old age. Other common causes include colic and buildup of calcified minerals in the gut.