Visual Learning Style Strategies

Visual learners benefit from using colored markers to underline information.

Visual learners process information best when they see the information rather than hear it. Students with a visual learning style can do well in courses that use books and handouts, which presents facts in written form. To retain more information when studying, visual learners can use strategies to organize their materials and graphic organizers to create visual reminders when learning.

1 Organize Materials

Visual learners can become distracted and learn poorly with disorganized study materials. Keep all of your notes neatly organized or typed. To memorize material quickly, rewrite or retype your organized study notes because, when you need to recall specific facts, your mind's eye can see the material on the page. When taking notes in class, sit at the front of the classroom where distractions are less likely to occur. Keep your study space neat so your mind can concentrate on your material. Find alternative ways to organize your material such as creating a chart of your information from your outline.

2 Use Graphic Organizers

Visual learners can have problems processing information solely from lectures so use a concept map to visually help you remember the key points. Start by writing the main topic or idea in the center of your paper enclosing it with a circle. While listening to the teacher, draw lines from the main idea to other points made in the lecture. Circle those ideas and connect them to any other relevant information on those points. Continue drawing lines and circling key information made during the lecture. When presented with a lot of information, outline the information so you can see, at a glance, exactly what you need to remember. When reading a book, use graphic organizers and charts to record your thoughts as you read.

3 Create Visual Reminders

Create visual reminders to aid your study strategies. Make lists on notepads to keep yourself focused in class. When reading, use Post-Its notes to remember where to find information in the book later. Underline key points to help you remember what to study or use different color highlighters to organize your material. Create visual associations to remember difficult concepts: simply making flash cards can help cement facts into your memory. Use visual imagery when trying to memorize sequences of facts or events. Place symbols by key points to help recall them.

Rebecca Bagwell is an educator with a bachelor's degree in secondary education from Trinity Baptist College. She has taught in China and the United States. While overseas she started writing articles in 2006 for bilingual trade journals. Now, she lives in the South where she homeschools and writes freelance articles encouraging creative approaches to education.
