What Are the Benefits of Using Word Processor in the Classroom?

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Word processors are a valuable part of the technology now available for educators in schools. Students and teachers both receive many benefits when doing classwork on the computer. Many of the headaches of paperwork are eliminated.

1 Spelling

Word processors contain an electronic spell checker. The student writer has immediate feedback about misspelled words. Student must discern which of the computer-generated spellings is correct for the context. Teachers no longer have to red-ink spelling errors. They can focus on the few exceptions the spellchecker does not catch.

2 Security

Teachers and students gain a sense of security about losing assignments. When the student saves her work, she avoids the possibility of the assignment being lost or misplaced. If an assignment is ever misplaced, a replacement can be easily printed.

3 Legibility

Teachers benefit by receiving a readable copy that is easy to grade. Students with poor handwriting can increase their scores with better looking papers. Students should be instructed to turn in copies of work in a readable font.

4 Publishing

Work done on a word processor can easily published on a bulletin board. Teachers can create electronic anthologies of their students' writings. Each student can receive an electronic copy of published works with no printing costs.

5 Mobility

Work done on a word processor and saved on the Internet is highly portable and accessible from any computer with Internet access. Dogs do not eat papers in cyberspace. "I forgot it at home" is irrelevant. Just log onto the nearest computer and your work appears on the screen.

Stephen Saylor is a bilingual educator and translator who has been writing since 2005. He has contributed articles to websites such as rockeros.net and XtremeMusic. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from Michigan State University and a Master of Arts in education from San Diego State University.
