Can You Still Work Full-Time After 65 & Collect Social Security Benefits?

Can You Still Work Full-Time After 65 & Collect Social Security Benefits?
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Social Security bases benefits on your work history, not your present income or your personal wealth. Individuals who have amassed a fortune collect Social Security, along with those who need Social Security benefits to pay for food. Early retirement has a penalty for earned income, but once you reach full retirement age, you can collect Social Security and earn any amount of income. Full retirement age depends on when you were born.

Understanding the Full Retirement Age

Social Security uses full retirement age to calculate 100 percent of your benefit amount. For individuals born in 1942 or earlier, full retirement age is 65. Individuals born from 1943 to 1954 reach full retirement age at 66.

Persons born after 1960 reach full retirement age at 67, and a birth date between 1955 and 1959 increases the full retirement age two months for every year. An individual born in 1955 reaches full retirement age at 66 years and 2 months; 1956 is 66 years and 4 months.

Considering Early Retirement

You can take Social Security retirement as early as age 62. If you take Social Security retirement prior to your full retirement age, you incur penalties for your earned income if you earn in excess of ​$18,960​. The penalty for every ​$2​ you earn in excess of ​$18,960​ is ​$1​. Social Security withholds your monthly checks to cover the penalty.

The year you reach full retirement age, the calculations change. You may earn ​$50,520​ that year without penalty. A penalty of ​$1​ for every ​$3​ you earn applies to that year you reach full retirement age. If you are 65 and reach full retirement age at 66, this may be the applicable calculation.

Maintaining Full-Time Employment

The month you reach full retirement age, all penalties for earned income end. You can earn any amount, have any amount of money in the bank and collect your Social Security retirement benefits under the 2021 regulations.

You can wait until age 70 to collect your Social Security retirement and the monthly amount increases to about ​130 percent​ of your full retirement age benefit. If your earnings after you retire are one of your highest years, Social Security recalculates your benefit. Once you reach age 70, Social Security does not add to your benefit.

Working After Full Retirement Age

If you choose to work and collect Social Security retirement, your combined income determines if you pay federal income taxes on your Social Security in 2021. Combined income is the total of your nontaxable interest, adjusted gross income and ​50 percent​ of your annual Social Security retirement.

If this total exceeds ​$25,000​ and you are single, or ​$32,000​ and you are married, you pay federal income taxes on part of your Social Security. The Internal Revenue Service taxes ​50 percent​ of Social Security retirement benefits between ​$25,000​ and ​$34,000​ combined income for singles and between ​$32,000​ and ​$44,000​ for married couples filing a joint tax return. The IRS taxes ​85 percent​ of Social Security benefits above ​$34,000​ combined income for singles and above ​$44,000​ for married couples.