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Jobs That Require Spanish

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People who can speak Spanish in the United States are at a great advantage in getting a job. With the influx of Hispanics into America, jobs are increasingly requiring that employees have a background in Spanish. Government jobs such as Border Patrol agents and even teaching jobs require employees to be fluent in Spanish.

Border Patrol Agent

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Border Patrol agents must be fluent in Spanish or be able to learn Spanish in order to be employed. Agents prevent people from crossing the border into the United States illegally. They also enforce border laws against people who have already come into the United States illegally. Agents often work the United States-Mexico border and deal with all nationalities, making Spanish a must in this profession.


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Obviously a secondary level Spanish teacher must be fluent in Spanish to teach. Most high school and middle school Spanish teachers carry an undergraduate degree in Spanish, and must also possess valid teaching credentials. However, in many areas of the United States, school districts might require teachers in subjects outside of Spanish to possess bilingual speaking skills.

Interpreters and Translators

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Spanish interpreters and translators must speak at least Spanish as well as other languages they are translating. Government entities often employ translators, Interpreters often have to translate complex terms, so accuracy is critical. Translator careers are typically only for people with years of practice and extreme fluency in more than one language.

Careers in International Business

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CEOs, sales people and account executives who deal in business in Spanish-speaking countries must be able to convey the language effectively to make business deals. Many corporations expanding into Latin America offer employees the opportunity to learn Spanish.

Medical Professionals

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Doctors and other medical professionals who work in areas with a high Hispanic population might need Spanish skills in order to effectively diagnose a patient. While most hospitals don't require such skills, a doctor with background in Spanish will have an easier time communicating with those whose primary language is not English.


Matthew MacKenzie has been a writer for over eight years. He attended the University of Montana and majored in political science. Mackenzie received his Juris Doctor from St. Thomas University and is a licensed lawyer. His work has been published on various websites.

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