How to Write a Story About Robbery

Creating stories is a fun creative outlet for ideas and imaginative expression. Stories come in many forms and genres and are only limited by the author's creativity. Short stories are structured alike, with differences lying in the character creation and the story line. Creating a story about a robbery involves discovering a story path satisfactory to the imagination and limitations of the creator. The robbery story may be funny, serious or tragic, depending on the creator's preferences.

Step 1

Determine the story genre. Genres include mystery, realistic fiction or fantasy. The specific genre will determine the setting of the robbery. A mystery genre will include an unnamed robber while a fantasy genre may have a robber of a race other than human.

Step 2

Choose a protagonist. The protagonist is the main character of the story, and he will require extensive character development. The protagonist will be the robber, a detective trying to catch the robber or another person having an involvement with the robbery. The protagonist will have a problem or other issue that must be resolved within the story.

Step 3

Discover the point of view. Points of view come in first or third person. The first person point of view will entail the story being told by the protagonist or another character from her point of view. The third person point of view is told as if a narrator is looking in on the action and telling the story.

Step 4

Build a setting for the story, including background. This is the place where the motivation for the robbery may be highlighted. Create a background for the protagonist, as well as backgrounds for any characters directly important to the plot.

Step 5

Highlight the plot of the story. The plot may include the robbery itself, the aftermath of the robbery or the events leading to the robbery. The plot will be built around the protagonist and his specific motivations or involvement within the robbery.

Step 6

Weave conflict into the story before the climax. Conflicts in robbery stories include the robber being caught, the detective chasing the robber through town or perhaps the robber feeling guilty for the crime. Lead the conflict to the climax, where the characters meet or somehow end the ongoing conflict of the story.

Step 7

Finish the story with a resolution. Decide what happens to the protagonist after the story climax. Does the robber return the items stolen due to guilty feelings? Does the detective arrest the robber and feel a sense of a job well done? The resolution is dependent upon the events of the conflict in the story.

Things You'll Need

  • Outline
  • Story idea
  • Characters
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