Specialized Prayers That Mother's Pray for Their Children

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Prayer can be very comforting, especially when a mother is concerned for her children. There is no doubt that being a mother can be frightening and frustrating, but is undoubtedly also a rewarding job. A mother's prayer can be a blessing for her child or a plea for rescue; in any case, prayer can be a soothing way to ease the burden sometimes inherent in raising a child.

A Prayer for a Sick Child

St. Gerard, who, like the Savior, loved children so tenderly and by your prayers freed many disease and even death, listen to me who is pleading for a sick child. I thank God for the great gift of my child and ask Him to restore my child to health if such be His holy will. This favor I beg of you through your love for all children and mothers. Amen

Prayer for a Troubled Child

Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a mother's anguish and helplessness over the actions of her child. Please help me to transform my anger and frustration into loving care for my child who has gone astray. Help me begin to mend broken fences and heal broken hearts. Bless my child and also help him to mend the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do right in Your name and restore us to peace and tranquility.

Blessing for a Child

My daughter, I bless you in the name of Jesus, proclaiming the blessings of God, my Redeemer, upon you. May He give you wisdom, a reverential fear of God, and a heart of love. May He create in you the desire to attend to His words; a willing and obedient heart that you may consent and submit to His ways. May your eyes look straight ahead with purpose for the future. May your tongue be as the pen of a ready writer, writing mercy and kindness upon the tablets of your heart. May you speak the truth in love. May your hands do the works of the Father, may your feet walk the paths which He has foreordained for you.

Prayer for an Angry or Depressed Child

Heavenly Father, my child is your greatest gift, and my biggest challenge. I know my child is truly distressed and yet I am at my wit's end to find a peaceful resolution. I feel helpless and frustrated.

I ask myself, What would my Heavenly Father do in His infinite wisdom and beneficence?

Lord, come into my heart and mind, and share Your loving wisdom with me! Help my child to heal his pain, and help me to become as loving and wise a parent, as You are for me Your child. Thank You Lord, for hearing me and coming to my aid. Bring your loving Peace to me and my child today.
