Students encounter new vocabulary during elementary, middle and high school, as well as college. You can create vocabulary games to help prepare for quizzes and tests. A game might be designed for one person or multiple people. By creating a fun and accurate game, you can strengthen your ability to remember words long after an exam.

Step 1

Create a list of all vocabulary words that you want to use. Group words based on subject, such as science, English, math, history or a foreign language. For math, you might review words such as integer, right triangle and coefficients. Review the spelling and definition to make sure you have included the correct words.

Step 2

Develop a vocabulary quiz that tests your ability to identify words. For example, create flash cards with definitions on one side and answers on the other.

Step 3

Evaluate definitions, synonyms and antonyms to develop a crossword puzzle. Work with other students by asking them to create puzzles that you can exchange with them.

Step 4

Buy graphing paper or use a spreadsheet to develop a word search game. You can place words vertically, horizontally or diagonally, then add random letters along with a word list.

Step 5

Explore educational websites such as that can help you create games. Many interesting programs exist, such as, which maintains a free word scrambler that you quickly can use and print.


Hole-punch flash cards and place them on a binder ring so that you can practice easily anywhere without losing any cards.


Few people can remember words after studying once or for a short period. Create a vocabulary game but practice regularly so that you retain the words. Cheap toys or candy might serve as an incentive to get other people (friends, family members, peers) to play your game.

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