Prom Game Ideas

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Proms are one of the most memorable times in a high school student's life. The beautiful decorations, the dancing, and the importance of the prom date make for a memorable occasion. After the prom, however, there are often parties and events. Playing games after the prom can turn any party into a fun-filled event.



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Dominoes is a fun game to play during and after the prom. Each boy and girl will be given a domino made out of cardboard. There will be 28 dominoes given, which is a complete set from blank to double sixes. One set of each will be given to the boys and to the girls. If necessary, add more dominoes if more people show up. Now, when the dancing begins, the leader makes dancing pairs according to the numbers. For example, a boy with a 4-6 domino could dance with a girl that had a four or a six on her domino. During the dancing, periodically switch partners using the same principle.


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Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends is a great game to play with a large number of close friends. Gather all of your friends and put them in the center of a large room. Make sure they get close and tangled together. Now, have them reach out quickly and grab another person's hand. This is to be done quickly and without thought. Once everyone has grabbed two hands, they have to untangle themselves from the tangled web. They cannot let go of their hands. It may be necessary to crawl or jump over people to untangle everyone. This game will cause a lot of laughs as everyone scrambles to separate. Once the web is untangled, everyone will end up in a circle holding hands.


Never Have I Ever?

"Never Have I Ever" is a common party game. It is often used as a drinking game, however, this is inappropriate in high school, so replace drinks with dares. In Never Have I Ever, each person sits in a circle and holds up ten fingers. Then the first player says "Never have I ever" and states something that they haven't done. For example, they may say "Never have I ever been to Florida." If the person to the right of the first person has never been to Florida, they repeat "Never have I ever been to Florida." This continues to the right, with people who haven't been to Florida saying "Never have I ever been to Florida." When somebody has been to Florida, they say nothing. They simply fold one of their fingers into their palms. This is called "putting down a finger." The person who put their finger down must do a dare suggested by the person who started. If they choose not to, they must put another finger down. The game ends when somebody has put all ten fingers down.



Whodiddit? is a fun, easy-to-play game. Make some cards to pass out among your partygoers. On each card there should be something written. These will be instructions that indicates an event that must be performed and what triggers the event. Each person has one event and one trigger, and doesn't know the other events or triggers. However, one person has a special role in the night. That person will be the trigger. This person will have a list of the events on the cards and what triggers them. A sample event would be to "fall on the ground and honk like a goose." The trigger for this event could be when the word "gander" is said. However, the triggers may also be an action like "applaud something somebody says." Throughout the night, the trigger will be trying to get all of these events to trigger. He should do them subtly without drawing attention to himself. He should integrate them into his conversations as naturally as possible. For example, he could say "let's take a gander at what's on T.V." to trigger the goose event. It's best to make his triggers easy to remember and something that would naturally occur at a party so that they don't automatically draw attention to him. If he can trigger all of his events without being accused of being the trigger, he wins. If he's accused, he must admit it immediately. A person who has had their event triggered cannot accuse the trigger. They are considered "out" of the game. If someone who is out of the game reveals who the trigger is, trigger wins. In this way, the trigger's identity can be safe. The person who made the game can never reveal who the trigger is, as they would know too easily. However, they are eligible to be the trigger and if they aren't, they must perform their event when it is triggered. Some events should be linked to trigger each other. For example, if someone "falls on the ground and honks like a goose" another person could be required to do an Elmer Fudd impersonation. The options are limitless.



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