Deciding to study law in Michigan takes careful consideration. Perhaps you determined that a degree in pre-law studies is your course of study before entering law school in Michigan. However, you might realize early on that law schools admit students with perseverance and challenging majors.

Although pre-law programs are part of many colleges in Michigan, you could find yourself preparing in non-traditional ways. Whether you decide to pursue a traditional undergraduate degree or a pre-law degree, consider an educational plan to help in your future law career.

Michigan Pre-Law Programs

Committing to seek a pre-law studies degree is a decision that you know certainly entails your future to practice law in Michigan. If so, there are nine pre-law schools in Michigan offering this type of program. For instance, Michigan State University in East Lansing offers one program in pre-law. In 2015, 71 students earned a degree in pre-law at this institution.

Aside from Michigan State University, the University of Detroit Mercy is part of the pre-law schools in this state. Located in Detroit, the institution offers one pre-law program. Ferris State University at Big Rapids, Grand Rapids Community College in Grand Rapids, Alpena Community College located in Alpena and Gobebic Community College at Ironwood all offer one pre-law degree program each.

If you need more options, consider Madonna University in Livonia and Northern Michigan University in Marquette. Both colleges provide two pre-law studies programs. However, Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids does not currently offer any pre-law programs. While pre-law programs may be a course of study you want to pursue, consider the admission process of the best law schools in Michigan. Surprisingly, the best law schools in Michigan admit students with a predisposition for challenges and strong critical thinking skills.

Study Plan Prior to Law School

Whether you are pursuing a law degree in Michigan or any other state, U. S. students must earn a Juris Doctor degree or J. D. from an accredited school. First, an undergraduate student receives a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and registers for the Law School Admissions Test or LSAT. Many schools also call LSAT the Legal Studies Aptitude Test. Regardless of the name, the LSAT scores determine your eligibility for the best law schools in Michigan.

Law schools evaluate scores between 120 and 180 to decide enrollment. Usually, an average score of 150 is an adequate measure of capability for law school. In Michigan, besides earning an undergraduate degree, you also must be at least 18 years old, possess good moral character, be fit to practice law, apply for the bar examination, pay fees and pass the bar examination. The Bar Exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions from the Multistate Bar Exam or MBE of the National Conference of Bar Examiners.

Before entering the best law schools in Michigan, plan your course of study with a school counselor or admissions staff member. Unlike other professions where specific schools require prerequisites to continue in the program, you can determine your undergraduate education plan.

While you still need to earn a bachelor’s degree from an accredited school, look into courses that focus on introductory law, criminal justice, political science, government, mathematics and economics. Of course, subjects like American history, world history, urban development, communications, international studies and sociology are excellent courses to add to your education plan too.

Helpful Degrees for Law School

Since you need 60 semester hours or 90 quarter hours to earn an undergraduate degree, certain degrees help pre-law students enter the preferred law schools. For example, law schools admitted more than 60 percent of students with degrees in political science, criminal justice, psychology, English, history, arts and humanities, economics, philosophy and sociology.

Other degrees that may be helpful for admission to law school are philosophy, classics and engineering. Law schools look for students with challenging academic repertoires but not necessarily a pre-law degree.

While attending pre-law schools in Michigan may be your plan of study, consider the admission process. Do the law schools prefer students with law knowledge before entering the program or academic success? Determine whether you want to challenge yourself before deciding on a career in law to ensure a positive experience in law school.

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