Employee job satisfaction can be achieved through several different methods. Managers can work closely with employees to develop better work processes, employees can be given a more significant say in how their job is done and managers can ensure that employees feel challenged at their job. Understanding the positive impact of job satisfaction on employee productivity will help to justify the time and expense involved with creating a satisfying workplace.


When an employee is able to feel satisfaction with her job, she feels more empowered to affect the way the job is done. The employee makes procedural changes that not only benefit her in the short term, but they will also benefit the company in the long term through increased productivity of future employees in that particular position. The employee feels a sense of responsibility in making her job more productive, and that creates a significant sense of satisfaction that will carry on to future employees and help to keep the company productive.


An employee with a sense of satisfaction with his job will feel more inclined to be at that job. This reduces the instances of employee absenteeism, and it also helps to curb turnover. Missed time by employees costs the company money and affects employee productivity. When a satisfied employee remains at the company for a long period of time, this reduces the need to have others cover for that employee during an absenteeism or stop production all together while a new employee is being trained.


When management becomes interested in the job satisfaction of the employees, this helps to create a loyal staff. The staff then becomes emotionally invested in the success of the company. One of the benefits that job satisfaction has on employee productivity is that employees tend to recommend quality candidates to the company for available positions. Not only do employees try to find the best talent possible for the company, those employees also take it upon themselves to make sure the new employees become efficient as quickly as possible to help maintain that high level of productivity.


Job satisfaction pays off when it comes time to introduce a new job process or upgrade to new equipment within the company. Employees that find satisfaction in their jobs are going to work to integrate upgrades and procedural changes to help the growth of the company. A disgruntled staff will bristle at the introduction of new equipment or processes, and that can slow down company productivity. Satisfied employees want to see the company succeed, so they take a more hands-on approach to the successful integration of company changes.