Recycling reduces the amount of waste your business sends to the landfill. At a minimum, you should write a recycling plan outlining the kinds of materials your business will recycle. A plan might discuss materials like paper, metals, plastic, glass, rubber and specialty materials. The plan should also account for the availability of recycling companies nearby that can take delivery of your company's recyclables.

Creating a Structure

Writing a recycling proposal is similar to writing a business plan. It demands a framework, including a background section that helps the people involved understand the purpose and main components of recycling activity. These parts could look very different in different organizations. According to Action for Nature, a school plan might include the materials needed, funding sources, community recycling resources and ways to educate students and get others involved in recycling.

Choosing Specifics

In your proposal, list the materials for recycling and how they will be collected and processed for pickup by local recyclers. This requires considering all areas of the business where recyclables might be present already or dropped off by employees and customers. For example, anywhere people use office paper or consume beverages in bottles and cans are potential recycling points. Describe what kinds of bins and dumpsters will be needed at each recycling point. Outline a procedure for how recyclables will be collected on a schedule and assembled at a central point for collection by recycling companies.

Making a Business Case

Writing a proposal should be similar to a bid by a recycling company that seeks to perform all steps for your business. A proposal must show readers how the recycling program will pay for itself or, better yet, economically benefit the company. For example, you might estimate how many recyclables will be collected on a monthly basis, and how much those will earn from a recycling company that pays for recycled materials.

Environmental Benefits

At the beginning and end of the proposal, include the environmental benefits of the program, including how much waste will not go to the local landfill and how materials can be reused or made into new products or materials. Build the interest of readers with relevant environmental impact facts and help them develop a stake in supporting program implementation.