Purolator to Fram Oil Filter Conversion

by Jeff Woodward

Oil filter conversion, or cross-referencing, is a simple process of determining one oil filter brand's part number based on the known part number of a different brand's oil filter. Purolator and Fram are both major filter manufacturers whose parts numbers are converted by customers everyday.

At the Parts Store

If you have the Purolator oil filter you are wishing to convert, personnel at an auto or truck parts store will be able to help. Take the part to the store and ask for help. If the part has a part number on it, look in the cross-reference books in the filter aisle.

Fram Parts Catalog

If you have a Purolator part number but not the part, you can find out what Fram filter is compatible similarly: Take the Purolator filter part number to a parts store and look it up in the parts catalog or by speaking to store personnel.

Fram Website

On the Fram website, under the parts tab, you will find a box that will allow you to enter any competitor's part number for conversion. Enter the Purolator oil filter number you are wishing to cross-reference into the field, and it will cross-reference the part number for you automatically.

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