A manufacturer develops products for consumers. Each product has a warranty statement certifying that the product has met all manufacturer, state and federal compliance regulations regarding quality. The warranty statement covers from the time the product leaves the warehouse for shipping. The manufacturer uses a warranty to give limited repair or replacement of products if any defects are found. The warranty also protects the manufacturer from undue liability issues outside of its control, such as accidents or a third party reselling used products.

Tailor the warranty statement to the type of product offered to consumers. The first paragraph should contain any details of the product and the manufacturer so that it only covers your specific product if the item can be installed onto other equipment or devices.

Specify how many days the warranty covers regarding the contract. Most limited warranty statements cover a timeframe of 30 to 90 days. Other statements can include a full year or an unlimited lifetime warranty. Decide on the length of time based on the product's life cycle. State whether the consumer has the option of buying extended warranties and how he may do so.

Detail the conditions of the warranty. List what the warranty does not cover, such as misuse or neglect of the product. If your product can be installed or used on another product not created by your manufacturing plant, state that your company will not be held liable for resulting damages to equipment developed by other businesses.

Explain the limited warranty guarantee regarding replacement and repair of products. Provide details on how the consumer should contact the manufacturer regarding repair or replacement, including packaging and shipping instructions. Include how long it will take for the return of the repair or replaced product. Write the telephone number for the business department that handles service inquiries.

Elaborate on how no other warranty or agreement made outside of this manufacturer warranty statement is binding or supersedes your compliance regulations. Place the warranty statement within every product box before shipping. If the product must be installed by a service technician, have the service technician hand the warranty to the customer to obtain a signature verifying the customer agrees to the statement. The technician should retain copies of the warranty after product installation.