How to Unlock the Bridge on Mafic in "AdventureQuest Worlds"

By A.J. Hawkins

Updated September 22, 2017

In "AdventureQuest Worlds," Mount Mafic is located in a violently volcanic region of the game. The area is full of dragons and other fire elemental creatures. To pass through the lava-filled mountain, players must lower three drawbridges using colored orbs found in the volcano. Clicking them in a certain order will cause all three bridges to lower, allowing you safe passage over the molten lava and on to the dragon boss.

Go to Mount Mafic in the game by typing "/join mafic" in the chat window. Go to the next screen and you will see five tunnels. Enter the tunnel on the far right and click the green orb.

Return to the previous room and enter the second tunnel from the left. Click on the blue orb and return to the previous room.

Enter the far right tunnel again and click on the blue orb. Leave and return to the second tunnel from the left. Click on the green orb. Return to the previous room and click on the purple orb. All of the drawbridges should now be lowered.

Exit the screen to the bottom right and continue on the path across all three lowered drawbridges.
