Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) tests are used to determine if a student is progressing academically. Subjects tested include mathematics, reading, language usage, and science. MAP tests are normally administered to students in second through tenth grades. Making a better grade on the test can be accomplished if you prepare throughout the school year, studying a little as you go to ensure you are ready when MAP test time rolls around.

Improve study habits. The MAP test helps teachers know if you comprehend the material taught throughout the year. To help improve your MAP grade, increase your study time year round. Spend extra time on difficult subjects until you feel comfortable with the information.

Work on writing skills. In addition to your normal writing assignments at school, take time to write daily in a journal or work on creative writing projects. Expand your vocabulary by learning new words and incorporating these into your writing. Ask your English teacher to help you and critique your work.

Take practice tests. Your school district should have study guides and practice tests available for all subjects on the MAP test for your grade level. Check with your teacher and guidance counselor for study materials and sample tests. Search the school website for links to sample MAP tests and review tips. Ask for additional help from your teacher if you do not score well on your practice tests and continue studying until your grade improves.

Be rested and prepared. Go to bed early the night before your MAP tests. Eat a healthy breakfast and dress in comfortable clothing. Arrive at school in plenty of time before testing begins so you will be relaxed.

Answer all questions. When you are taking your MAP test, do not leave any spaces blank, even if it means you have to guess the answer. On bubbles, be sure to completely darken the chosen circle. Read the entire question and all possible answers before making your choice. Write in complete sentences on essay questions.

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