How to Prevent Spitting When Talking

Many people unintentionally spit little droplets of saliva during normal conversation. Though this can be embarrassing, there are a few simple things that you can do to correct it. This type of spitting is often caused by excessive saliva production, which can occur for many reasons. Sugary foods or beverages can spark an increase in saliva production; so can nervousness. Some people naturally produce more saliva than others and have to learn how to cope with it. If you believe that your saliva production is excessive, it’s best to visit your doctor for more information.

Is This an Emergency?

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Slow down when you talk. When you become excited, there's a good chance that you speed up your speech. This can cause you to trip over your words or form unnatural/unusual words or sounds. When this occurs, you may accidentally spit. Whenever you find that you're becoming animated during conversation, slow yourself down. By talking more slowly and enunciating, you'll find that you're less likely to trip over your words and spit.

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Concentrate on swallowing. In some situations, you may produce more saliva; this may be due to nerves or even body temperature. If you find that you have an excessive amount of spit, remind yourself to swallow more frequently. Though swallowing is an involuntary reaction, make it voluntary. However, don’t get so wrapped up in swallowing that you forget to focus on what you're saying. Rather, work it in between your sentences.

Decide what you want to say before you say it. If you're taken off guard or are unsure of what to say, you may stumble or trip over your words. Don’t be afraid to take time to formulate what you want to say. In most situations, you aren’t required to have the quickest response. Work on quality speaking rather than speaking quickly.

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See a professional about a speech impediment. You may have a lisp, which causes certain letters (usually the "S") to be pronounced in a slurred fashion. It’s possible that this is what's causing you to spit when you talk. A professional can help you to overcome any kind of speech impediment, and teach you to speak without fear.
