In Nevada, journeyman level electricians are licensed through the Nevada State Contractors Board as specialty contractors. The electrician's skills are identified and verified through a classification, a trade exam and supporting work experience documents supplied by the journeyman candidate. The electrician's license classification is Primary Classification C2 – Electrical. The state of Nevada protects its consumers through laws that require electricians to be licensed. Engaging in business or bids without an electrical contractors license is illegal and can result in fines and penalties.


Obtain four years of journeyman level experience as an electrician. Work experience is qualified only at the journeyman level which can also include work as a foreman or supervisor. Training or education through an accredited school or university can be used for up to three of the four years experience required for licensing.

Ask for an application for a Contractors License by calling the Nevada State Contractors Board. The application can also be printed from the Nevada State Contractors Board website. Read through all requirements and instructions and contact the board with any questions.

Write a detailed resume of your work experience. Dates of employment, addresses of employers, phone numbers and a detailed description of the work completed for each job listed is required. Work completed as a self-employed person must include the customers name, address and phone number. A Resume of Experience form is included in the licensing application.

Prepare four notarized Reference Certificates for the licensing application. Reference Certificate forms are included as part of the licensing application. References must have first-hand knowledge of your work experience. Relatives or family members are not allowed to be used as references. Employers, supervisors and customers you worked with during periods of self-employment can be references.


Complete and return the application with the application fee. The application fee is $300. Applicants may be required to include certain financial documents depending upon which monetary limits (bid amounts) they chose to work within. Include all supporting documents with the application such as the resume of work experience, fingerprinting documents and Reference Certificates. Missing documents can delay the application process.

Wait for application approval from the Nevada State Contractors Board. The application must be approved before the applicant can take the required exams. An approval letter will arrive in the mail and include an examination eligibility letter with a candidate ID number to be used when scheduling the exam.

Schedule and take your exam through PSI. Electrical journeyman must take an electrical exam and a general business and law test called a CSM. The CSM exam is an open book test. The electrician's exam is not. Recommended study materials can be found in the exam content outline available from the Nevada State Contractors Board website. The two tests combined cost $130, which is payable at the time the exam is scheduled. There are three PSI test locations in Nevada.

Complete the licensing requirements as contained in the application approval letter. The approval letter contains information regarding surety bonds that need to be filed and directions for paying the biennial license fee of $600. Candidates may also be asked to comply with industrial insurance requirements and register with the state's Residential Recovery Fund.

Wait to receive your license in the mail. Nevada electrical contractors are not allowed to bid on contracts without a license in hand.