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How to Hook Up Xfinity With a PS3

The PS3 allows you to go online by using a wired or wireless Internet connection.
Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images News/Getty Images

In addition to playing video games in disc format, the PlayStation 3 allows you to surf the Web, download games from the PS3 Store and interact with other PS3 gamers. The popular gaming console is compatible with a variety of cable companies that offer Internet service, including Xfinity. To access the Internet, configure the console’s Internet connection settings by linking it with your Xfinity cable modem or your wireless router.

Using a Wireless Connection

Turn on the PS3, and then turn on your controller.

Navigate to “Settings” on the main menu, and then select the “Network Settings” option by pressing the “X” button on your controller.

Scroll to the “Internet Connection Settings” option and press “X.” The “Adjust settings for connection to the Internet” message will appear on the screen. Select “OK.”

Highlight the “Easy” option on the “Internet Connection Settings” menu, and then press the right arrow button on the controller’s D-pad. You will be asked to select an Internet connection method.

Select the “Wireless” method and press “X.”

Highlight the “Scan” option on the “WLAN Settings” menu and press “X.” A list of network access points will appear on the screen.

Select the name of your wireless network and press “X.” Your wireless network will appear on the “SSID” menu screen. Press the right arrow button on your controller’s D-pad, and then select your WLAN security setting.

Enter your wireless network password, and then press the right arrow button on the controller’s D-pad. When the configuration process is complete, the “Settings List” menu will appear and the “Internet Connection” setting will be listed as “Enabled.” Press “X” to save the new Internet connection settings.

Using a Wired Connection

Connect your Xfinity cable modem to your PS3 by using an Ethernet cable.

Turn on your PS3.

Scroll to the “Settings” menu, highlight the “Network Settings” option and press “X.”

Select “Internet Connection Settings,” and then select “OK.”

Highlight the “Easy” option and press the right arrow button on your controller’s D-pad. The PS3 will configure your wired connection settings automatically.

Press “X” to save your new connection settings.

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