How to Convert a Fraction to a Ratio

How to Convert a Fraction to a Ratio
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Fractions consist of sets of numbers in which the top number (numerator) illustrates a part that is related to the whole unit, which is represented by the bottom number (denominator). A ratio is very similar to a fraction, in that it is composed of two numbers being compared to each other. You can write ratios are in fractional form, but they are traditionally expressed as a set of numbers divided by a colon symbol.

Converting Fractions to Ratios

To understand the relationship between fractions and ratios, consider a pizza cut into six slices. If you only one slice has pepperoni, then you could say the pizza is 1/6 pepperoni. The ratio between pepperoni and non-pepperoni slices is 1:6.

To convert a fraction to a ratio, first write down the numerator, or top number. Second, write a colon. Thirdly, write down the denominator, or bottom number. For example, the fraction 1/6 can be written as the ratio 1:6.

Reducing Ratios

If necessary, you can reduce the ratio after converting it from a fraction. For example, if you have the fraction 5/10, you can convert this to the ratio of 5:10. You can then divide both numbers by 5 to get a simplified ratio of 1:2. The ratio can also be written as "1 to 2."

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