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Homemade Milk Replacer for Goats

| Updated August 11, 2017

If you must bottle-feed a baby goat and don't have goat milk replacer on hand, you can concoct a nutritious homemade milk for the kid. Just make sure the kid receives colostrum -- that antibody-rich primary milk -- for his first few meals. If he didn't get it from his mother, your veterinarian likely has a supply. Always check with your veterinarian before feeding baby goats homemade milk replacer.

Homemade Milk Replacer

The American Fainting Goat Association recommends several different homemade formulas, based on the kid's age. The first involves mixing 3 quarts of whole cow's milk, 1 can of goat's milk, 1 cup plain whole yogurt and 1 cup heavy cream. Feed this mixture every two hours for the kid's initial few days, at 0.5 to 2 ounces at each feeding. Once the kid is about 2 weeks old, change the formula by eliminating the heavy cream and replacing it with 1 can of unsweetened, condensed whole milk. By now, you're feeding him approximately 8 ounces of formula, four times daily. He's also nibbling on hay and goat feed. At four weeks, eliminate the goat's milk and add another can of condensed milk. Your kid receives 8 ounces at each of three daily feedings.

Warnings and Considerations

Don't substitute soy, low-fat, lactose-free or any other type of milk for whole cow's milk. Some homemade goat milk replacement formulas suggest adding an egg or two to the mixture. Check all ingredients with your vet before feeding.