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How to Keep Mosquitoes and Gnats Away From Cats

| Updated September 26, 2017

Things You'll Need

  • Pet-safe mosquito repellent

  • Brush

Pest prevention is a common problem with cats. Mosquitoes are parasitic by nature and will feed off of your cat if they have the opportunity to do so. Mosquitoes will not only feed off of your cat's blood, they can also spread diseases such as heartworm and cause problems with the cat's immune system. Gnats can also be an irritant to your pet. Keeping mosquitoes and gnats away from your cats should be a high priority and requires only mininmal effort on your part.

Keep your cats indoors as much as possible. While mosquitoes and gnats can get indoors, they are much more plentiful outside and your cat is more likely to get bitten outdoors. This is especially true at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

Remove any standing water from your property. Mosquitoes and gnats are attracted to water sources and eliminating them will help reduce the number of bugs in the immediate area.

Apply a mosquito repellent to your cat to keep insects at bay. Read the label to ensure the product is safe for cats since DEET and other common pesticides are harmful to pets but pet-friendly varieties that don't contain DEET are available. Check your local supermarket or the pet store. Geranium essential oils, peppermint and lavender can also be used as natural solutions to keep mosquitoes at bay when placed between the cat's shoulder blades.

Brush your cat regularly. Gnats don't bite but they can become lodged in the cat's fur and cause itching. Regular brushing will help remove any gnats that happen to get onto your cat and prevent them from causing discomfort.