How to Convert Mixed Fractions to Ratios

Slices of pizza can be used to represent fractions or ratios.
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Fractions and ratios go hand in hand in the world of mathematics because they both represent a relationship between two numbers. A mixed fraction consists of a whole number plus a fraction. You can convert a mixed fraction to a ratio by presenting the fraction in "improper" form. Creating the improper form is a process of performing a few simple mathematical calculations. One other difference between ratios and fractions is that the two numbers in a fraction are separated by a dash or a slash, whereas the numbers in a ratio also can be separated by a colon.

    Multiply the whole number and the fraction's denominator (the bottom number). For example, if you have 1 3/4, you would multiply 4 times 1 to get 4.

    Add the numerator (the top number) to the answer from Step 1. In this example, you would add 3 to 4 to get 7.

    Place the answer from Step 2 over the denominator to create an improper fraction. In this case, you would write 7/4.

    State your answer in ratio form. You can write the ratio in several different forms. Using this example, you could write "7/4," "7:4" or "7 to 4."

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