How to Turn Fractions Into Integers

Changing a fraction into an integer allows you to conceptualize your problem using whole numbers.
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Integers include all whole numbers, plus the negatives of all the numbers except zero. They do not include any decimal or fractional numbers. Fractions, on the other hand, express one integer divided by another, and often equal a decimal number. Because of this, not all fractions can be turned into integers by merely completing the division. When a fraction appears as part of an equation, however, you can multiply the whole equation by the inverse of the fraction or a multiple of the inverse to turn the fraction into an integer.

    Invert the fraction you wish to eliminate. The inverse of a fraction is the fraction flipped upside down.

    For example, in the equation 1/2x + 5 = 9, the inverse of 1/2 is 2/1 or 2.

    Multiply the numerator of the inverted fraction by the number you wish the original fraction to become, if you wish the number to be an integer other than 1.

    For example, if you wish for the fraction 1/2 to become 2 instead of 1, multiply the numerator of the inverted fraction 2/1 by 2. This will give you the new fraction 4/1, or 4.

    Multiply the whole equation by the inverted fraction. To do this, you must multiply the inverted fraction by each term on both sides of the equation.

    For example, 4(1/2x + 5 = 9) = 4(1/2x) + 4(5) = 4(9). This resolves to 2x + 20 = 36. Notice that the fraction 1/2 is now the integer 2, making the equation easier to solve.

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