How to Write a Warm Invitation to Lunch for a Group

Casual invitations can be paper, email or even text.
... Rose Horridge/Dorling Kindersley RF/Getty Images

You can orchestrate a lunch gathering for many reasons: celebrating a promotion, getting together to plan an upcoming event, saying farewell to a colleague or simply to enjoy good food and good company. Whatever the context of your gathering, creating a warm invitation denotes friendliness, fondness and familiarity. Avoid using formal or business-like wording. Think about your recipients and the occasion itself, and tailor your invitations accordingly.

1 Calling the Gang

If you haven't seen each other in a while, say something like, "It's been so long since we've seen each other! Let's all grab lunch at Such-and-Such and catch up on old times!" A send-off for a colleague moving to a new job can be worded like, "Trudy's promotion surely deserves a party! Come have lunch with us to wish her well in her new adventure!" An invitation to discuss something big, like arranging a family reunion or the office Christmas party, can say, "We've got plans to make for Such-and-Such! Meet up with us at Knife-and-Fork for drinks, appetizers and a chance to discuss the big event!" Keep it light and fun, and send the invitation far enough in advance so everyone can make room in their plans.

Brooke Julia has been a writer since 2009. Her work has been featured in regional magazines, including "She" and "Hagerstown Magazine," as well as national magazines, including "Pregnancy & Newborn" and "Fit Pregnancy."
