An incorrectly listed business address is frustrating for both the consumer and the proprietor. A business is a dynamic entity, and many hard-copy phone books may be unable to accommodate immediate updates of information. Organizations that compile this information tend to compile data based on public records information. Fortunately, major phone companies have a protocol in place to handle the volume of requests for incorrect addresses. Yellow Page corrections are completed via Internet or phone.

Determine who provides the Yellow Pages in the business area. Direct your Internet browser to Yellow Pages' website offers a "Listing Feedback" page after entering a business phone number. Revise your information and confirm the changes. Yellow Pages is owned by AT&T, and direct customer support is offered based on zip code. Click "Contact Us" at the top of the "Listing Feedback" page. If this is the incorrect Yellow Pages provider, move on to the next step.

Direct your browser to AOL Yellow Pages ( This Internet-only provider uses the framework of InfoUSA to revise information. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Help" under the "More in Yellow Pages" category. Then, find the heading "How can I change an incorrect listing?" and click the appropriate link. Click the "Change Business Record" button. Changes require 60 to 90 days before appearing. This link also updates your MapQuest, Yellowbot, Yellowbook and Superpages listings.

Direct your browser to Google ( and Bing ( Bing provides local Yellow Page listings for many search engines like Altavista. Search for your local business in Bing by typing the name and address in the search bar. If incorrect results appear, click "Enhance Your Listing" in small print below the header.

If the Google address is incorrect, remove all incorrect references from the business website, if one exists. Contact other webmasters who provided erroneous business information as well. If this does not work, contact Axciom ( to see if the business is listed with an incorrect address.


Consider changing the business address with Register of Deeds in the municipality it was incorporated in.