The medical community regards honey, milk and salt as acceptable agents for the treatment of some diseases and infections resulting from wounds and burns, according to Ali A. Al-Jabri, author of "Honey, Milk, and Antibiotics." Honey has an antibacterial property that allows it to kill bacteria in a gentle manner; milk provides you with energy, proteins, vitamins and minerals that are necessary to repair damaged tissue; and salt contains antibacterial properties that can also reduce the risk of infection. Water and fresh juice are also considered effective, because both keep your tongue moist, while fresh juice contains vitamins and minerals that help the healing process.

Measure one cup of honey and one cup of milk.

Pour the two ingredients into a bowl and mix them together.

Pour the contents of the bowl into ice trays.

Place in freezer until frozen.

Remove ice tray from freezer and remove an ice cube.

Place ice cube in your mouth and suck on it until it is completely dissolved.

Continue applying the remedy until burning subsides.

Dissolve sea salt in a cup of water. The solution should be about five percent sea salt.

Rinse your mouth repeatedly, swishing the solution around your mouth until you begin to salivate and the pain begins to subside.

Repeat application twice a day until pain is gone.

Drink cold water regularly. This will soothe the burning and help keep your tongue moist.

Drink fresh fruit juice. Fresh juice contains vitamins and minerals that help expedite the healing process.

Drink both cold water and fresh juice daily until pain and irritation begin to subside.


  • For best results, combine all remedies daily until your pain and irritation begin to subside.


  • Honey has no adverse side effects, however, it may sting your tongue initially when first applied to the burnt taste buds. Using the salt water rinse may cause acute pain that should subside within two minutes.