Your organization just created a new program, and you need to let your clients know about it. The easiest way to do this is to send each client a letter informing him/her about the program. To get the client's attention, your letter must be engaging so that he/she will read it, and your letter must be informative so that he/she will understand exactly what the program is about. Even if the program will benefit your client, people tend to be reluctant to read direct mailings, so you must strike exactly the right balance between information and persuasion.

Type the date, and skip a line. Use the mail merge function on your word processing program to add in the clients' names and addresses, or omit them if you prefer a general letter.

Skip an additional line and type "Dear Mr./Ms. (Client name)" followed by a colon, or type "Dear Valued Client" followed by a colon for a general salutation. Keep in mind, however, that people are more likely to read messages that are addressed specifically to them, so if you can add in the clients' names and addresses, you should do so.

Begin the letter with something that will grab the clients' attention. A relevant fact or statistic might interest them; for instance. "Did you know that you can ensure your children for $50.00 a month on our new program?" Starting with a direct benefit like this will catch the clients' attention and encourage them to read more.

Give the general details about the program. Provide enough information that the clients can make an informed decision but not so much that you will overwhelm them with fine print. Tell them where they can obtain the details; for example, place on your Web site details and a welcome packet, along with the program application.

Tell the clients what to do to if they are interested. Provide a phone number or Web site where they can sign up. Give relevant dates, places and deadlines, if applicable.

Close the letter by typing "Sincerely," and skip three line spaces. Type your name. Print the letters on your organization's Web site and sign your name above your typed name in each letter. If you are unable to sign each copy, make a graphic of your name and insert it into the document so when you print the letters, they will each have a "signature."