How to Calculate Communication Channels

You can use a mathematical formula to calculate the number of communication channels in your team.
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Communication is central to the successful completion of any project. There is a set number of communication channels between members of any project. Communication channels are merely (communication) paths between the team members working on the project. Simply put, if you have two team members, there is only one path of communication. A formula can be used to figure out path numbers for larger teams.

    Count the total number of participants in your project, including the project manager. For example, you may have 12 project members.

    Plug the number of project members, represented by "N," into the communications channels formula. The formula is represented as N(N-1)/2. When calculated, the formula tells you how many communications channels currently exist for your project.

    Calculate the formula. For example, if you have 12 team members, you will have 66 communications channels. To get to the final answer, first subtract 1 from 12, which equals 11. Multiply 12 by 11, which equals 132. Divide by 2, which equals 66 communications channels.

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