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How to Remove Algae From Fountains Naturally

Darcy Logan

If the water in your fountain has gone from clear to green, you probably have a problem with algae. Algae can be controlled using chemicals and biocides, but the best natural remedy is a good cleaning. Your goal should be to remove all the algae from your fountain. Algae can reproduce quickly, so if you miss some you'll end up with the same problem rather quickly.

Cleaning your fountain is the best way to remove algae.
  1. Unplug your fountain.

  2. Drain the fountain.

  3. Allow the fountain to dry for several days in the sun, if possible. This step is not absolutely necessary.

  4. Wipe off the surfaces of your fountain with a wash cloth, warm water and a cleanser. You can use dish detergent, lemon juice, bleach or vinegar to kill the algae. Make sure the cleanser is safe for your fountain.

  5. Use a pipe cleaner to remove algae from any tubing or spouts on your fountain and a toothbrush to scrub any small cracks or areas. Use the same cleanser that you previously used, to remove all the remaining algae from your fountain.

  6. Clean the pump of your fountain with a cloth and soft brush.

  7. Rinse out the fountain with water.

  8. Refill your fountain with clean water.