How to Calculate Area From Width & Length

Use a tape measure to determine width and length for larger spaces.
••• tape measure image by Alison Bowden from

Calculating the area of a space or an object is a fundamental mathematical task that has many practical applications. If you are building a house, planning landscaping or adding flooring, you will need to be able to calculate area. The term "area" is also commonly referred to as "square footage." Knowing the width and length of an object or space is necessary for figuring the area. Once you have these measurements, you can perform simple mathematical operations to find the area.

    Measure the dimensions of an object or space. If you're dealing with a larger measurement such as a room, use a tape measure. If you're measuring a smaller figure such as a shape on a page, use a ruler.

    Write down your measurements.

    Multiply the length times the width to find the area.

    State your answer in square units. For instance, if a room is 8 feet by 10 feet, multiply 8 times 10 to get an area of 80 square feet.

    Things You'll Need

    • Tape measure
    • Ruler
    • Calculator

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