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Toe fungus and nail injuries can leave you with thick, yellowed toe nails that are both embarrassing and unattractive. Thick toe nails may be challenging to care for properly and you must use caution to avoid transferring possible infection to other toe nails. After you treat the underlying cause with the necessary medications, thin out the nails with special tools and good nail care. Feel better about how your toes look in open-toed shoes by regularly filing down thick nails.

Soak your toe in warm water before attempting to work on the thick nails.

Clip the nails with large toenail clippers. Clip away length and any sharp edges you may have.

Grip the nail file handle in your hand or slide your hand in the file grip.

Hold the toe still by framing it with the thumb and forefinger of one hand.

Sand the nail down by moving the rough side of the file in a circular movement around the surface. Do this until the nail appears thinner.

Throw away the nail file and do not use it on other toes.